Athletic Performance Programs


Baseball Yoga Recovery

The baseball program aids the rotation of the hips and spine, as well as strengthening the shoulder joints. A focus is placed on flexibility and balance.


Volleyball Yoga Recovery

This program emphasizes on both the upper and lower body. Specific poses are used to enhance balancing reflexes all while strengthening the core. Aims to support shoulder flexibility.

Soccer Yoga Recovery

This program highlights strength, core stability, power, flexibility, and endurance. Soccer players benefit through a power yoga style of training.


Tennis Yoga Recovery

Our tennis program improves flexibility in the hips, ankles, shoulders, back and wrists. In addition, the program concentrates on balance, core strength, and fluid range of motion.


Golf Yoga Recovery

Improving balance on both the left and right sides is key for golf players. This program focuses to protect the back and improve core strength.

Football Yoga Recovery

Highlights strength, balance, flexibility, focus, control, lengthening of hamstrings, supporting muscles and tissues around hips and back.


Basketball Yoga Recovery

Yoga for basketball players encompasses support to the hamstrings, hip flexors, back muscles and shoulders. Our program aids in injury prevention for the knees and Achilles tendons.